Sonus Interactive

Section 1 – How it works

The GDE allows users to create a Sonus Interactive projects on their home computer and export it into a game the Sonus can then process and play.
A project will consist of 2 main components which are Game Objects and Global Variables.
Developers can use Global Variables to hold the data the entire game needs to access such as the players health or money, complete and incomplete objectives or perhaps their score.
Game Objects are the functioning components of the game. Each game object consists of 3 things.
1. A list of their own local variables, these are like global variables except they are relative to the game object. Other objects can access this data if the developer intends but once the Game Object is destroyed, its local variables are lost.
2. Properties such as X,Y and Z coordinates and boundary sizes which tell the game how big the Game Object is and how far other Game Objects have to be from it to trigger a collision event (more on events in a moment). It also has a property to tell the game whether the Game Object should loop audio when it plays it or only play it once. The last property is the delay property which tells the Game Object how often it should fire its "Periodical" event.
3. A Game Object has a list of what are called Events. These are things that can influence the Game Object in some way, here is a list of all the Events a Game Object has:
Creation Event, when the object is first made.
Destruction Event, when the object is destroyed.
Periodical Event, an event that fires every so often at a time interval set by the objects "Delay" property.
Collision Event, When the objects is within the boundary of another object or sharing the exact same coordinates.
Button Press Event, there is an event for each button being pressed.
Button Release Event, there is an event for each button being released.
Button Held Event, there is an event for each button being held.
Audio Finished Event, when an object has finished playing an audio file it was requested to play.
Every event contains a list of actions which are instructions that tell the Game Object how to behave when the event occurs.
Using a combination of Actions and Events a game can be created with no programming knowledge needed what so ever.